A series of fanzines by Liel Bomberg and Omer Shachar. It will reflect on the many milestones we achieved, each showcasing a different component that makes pag unique.

We are an acclaimed and admired movement of mind altering techno, fashion, multimedia expression and forward thinking club culture.

In today’s social climate, PAG remains a safe space for gender trouble and radical expression through music. Join us to defy the heterosexual matrix.

Abolish transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism, sexism, and aggression of any kind. If you experience or see anything like that, please let us know. We are available for you during the whole night.

As a tribute to the power of music, Guy brings together the essence of rave culture and dance music to create a thrilling and unforgettable experience for everyone. You don't wanna miss a new voice of a generation.

PAG iS An aCcLaImEd aNd aDmIrEd mOvEmEnT Of mInD AlTeRiNg tEcHnO, fAsHiOn, MuLtImEdIa eXpReSsIoN AnD FoRwArD ThInKiNg cLuB CuLtUrE.

We cOmBiNe mUsIc, DiFfErEnT FoRmS Of aRt aNd pEoPlE To sUsTaIn a cOmMuNiTy tHaT StAnDs aT ThE FoReFrOnT Of tEl aViV NiGhTlIfE.

We are a safe space for anyone who wants to celebrate their being. Time’s up for transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism and aggression of any kind. PAG is for everyone.

Kirill Shapovalov mixing different styles of music, such as techno, electronic tracks with dark moments, sexy rhythms and vocals.